category-grind-ball-mills.pngBALL MILLS category-grind-rod-mills.pngROD MILLS category-grind-sag-mills.pngSAG MILLS category-grind-ball-mill-motor.pngBALL MILL MOTORS
category_grind_cyclones.pngCYCLONES category-grind-mill-components.pngMILL COMPONENTS category_grind_lubrication.pngLUBRICATION category-process-pumps.pngSLURRY PUMPS


Grinding is typically the second major phase of a mineral processing operation. Grinding equipment takes advantage of the abrasive action between particles and media to accomplish size reduction, a process called comminution. A typical grinding mill consists of a steel cylinder and heads lined with steel or rubber, that rotates via a pinion and bull gear or belt drive system, to tumble the contents of the mill. The product from the mill is often classified by a trommel, screen, or hydrocyclone which may return oversized particles to the grinding circuit, other mills are open circuit and send all product downstream to the next phase of processing. Most sizable grinding mills operate continuously. The media within the mill is most commonly steel grinding balls, occasionally other materials depending on the application. Mills can be for either wet grinding or dry grinding.

Our grinding mills are extremely robust and built to last, in fact with proper maintenance they typically outlast the profitable phase of the mining operations they are installed at. Grinding, grinding mills, and media, are often the greatest expense in a mineral processing operation. We can reduce cost and lead time with surplus, refurbished, or used grinding equipment available at a fraction of the cost and lead time of a new manufacture. We offer ball mills, rod mills, SAG mills, vertimills, and detritors. We can supply mill motors and drives, clutches, gearboxes, starters, and Variable Frequency Drives as well. We offer design and fabrication to produce modular or skid mounted grinding circuits, or fixed plant installations. We offer mills from manufacturers like Metso, Nordberg, Marcy, Denver, Fuller, Traylor, FLSmidth, Hardinge, Polysius, Citic, Allis Chalmers, Colorado Ironworks, and Dominion.

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