1.5 x 3 m (~5 x 10 ft) New ball mill


- New unused ball mill made in North America

- 1.5 x 3 meter internal shell dimension, less liners

- Single piece rolled steel shell

- Tire Driven

- Rubber liner package with installation hardware

- Rubber lined feed spout

- Wet grinding overflow discharge arrangement

- Discharge trommel

- Drive assembly mounted on structural steel frame

- Two 50 HP WEG motors, for 100 HP drive system

- Two gearboxes with 2.0+ service factor

- Mill is driven by 8 pneumatic tires

- Tire jacking system for maintenance

- Two hardwired safety switches for low tire air pressure shutdown

- Fenced drive guards

- Automation package with a VFD and rotary control console

- Two coats of heavy industrial paint finish

- Run tested at manufacturer facility

- Shell provided with shipping cradle

- Installation, operation, and maintenance manuals provided

- Mill mounted on steel skid

- Tire driven mills are excellent for medium to small plants that wish to avoid expensive foundations, and down time associated with care and maintenance of trunnion bearings and gears.

- Tires are easily sourced locally for replacement

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